阅读随记:What is the Difference Between COUNT(*), COUNT(1), COUNT(column name), and COUNT(DISTINCT column name)?

关于SQL的count()系列,找到了一篇非常好的文章:What is the Difference Between COUNT(*), COUNT(1), COUNT(column name), and COUNT(DISTINCT column name)?,这里简单记录一下。



  • COUNT(*)
  • COUNT(1)
  • COUNT(column name)
  • COUNT(DISTINCT column name)

COUNT(*) vs COUNT(1)



So, is there any difference? The simple answer is no – there is no difference at all.




“1” is a non-null expression: so it’s the same as COUNT(*). The optimizer recognizes it for what it is: trivial.


Let’s test this claim using an example query. Suppose I have a table named orders that contains these columns:

  • order_id: The ID of the order.
  • customer_id: The ID of the customer who placed the order.
  • order_value: The total value of the ordered items, in euros.
  • payment_date: When the order was paid by the customer.


SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;


SELECT COUNT(1) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;


There’s a popular misconception that “1” in COUNT(1) means “count the values in the first column and return the number of rows.” From that misconception follows a second: that COUNT(1) is faster because it will count only the first column, while COUNT(*) will use the whole table to get to the same result.



SELECT COUNT(-13) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;



SELECT COUNT("fxxk you") AS number_of_rows FROM orders;



So what does the value in the parenthesis of COUNT() mean? It’s the value that the COUNT() function will assign to every row in the table. The function will then count how many times the asterisk (*) or (1) or (-13) has been assigned. Of course, it will be assigned a number of times that’s equal to the number of rows in the table. In other words, COUNT(1) assigns the value from the parentheses (number 1, in this case) to every row in the table, then the same function counts how many times the value in the parenthesis (1, in our case) has been assigned; naturally, this will always be equal to the number of rows in the table. The parentheses can contain any value; the only thing that won’t work will be leaving the parentheses empty.


Since it doesn’t matter which value you put in the parentheses, it follows that COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) are precisely the same. They are precisely the same because the value in the COUNT() parentheses serves only to tell the query what it will count.

If these statements are precisely the same, then there’s no difference in the performance. Don’t let the asterisk (*) make you think it has the same use as in SELECT * statement. No, COUNT(*) will not go through the whole table before returning the number of rows, making itself slower than COUNT(1).

虽然在性能的battle上是平局,不过我们还是推荐使用count(*),因为这样看起来对SQL Boy比较友好😊,一眼能看懂是什么意思(计算表中的总行数,包括NULL)。

COUNT(*) vs COUNT(column name)

Always remember: COUNT(column name) will only count rows where the given column is NOT NULL.

上面已经提到过了,count(*)count(1)没有任何区别,那么count(*)count(column name)呢?这两个当然是有区别的:

  • count(*):统计表中所有行数,包括NULL
  • count(column name):只统计指定列名的行数,且不包括NULL


  • 执行SELECT COUNT(*) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;结果如下:

  • 执行SELECT COUNT(customer_id) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;结果如下:


SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN order_value > 250 THEN * END) AS significant_orders FROM orders;



上面的代码是使用1来填充,当然也可以使用*来填充:SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN order_value > 250 THEN '*' END) AS significant_orders FROM orders;

COUNT(column name) vs COUNT (DISTINCT column_name)

COUNT(column_name) will include duplicate values when counting. In contrast, COUNT (DISTINCT column_name) will count only distinct (unique) rows in the defined column.

至于COUNT(column_name)COUNT (DISTINCT column_name)的区别就更明显了:

  • COUNT(column_name):统计指定列中不包括NULL的行数(但包括重复值)
  • COUNT (DISTINCT column_name):统计指定列中不包括NULL且不包括重复值的行数

比较一下SELECT COUNT(customer_id) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT customer_id) AS number_of_rows FROM orders;的运行结果就清楚了。